East Bay Community Action Program - Broadway
19 Broadway
Newport, RI 02840
(401) 847-7821
EBCAP!s Community Programs are designed to help people to reach their full potential. It is their goal to create the bridge to self-reliance. Their programs improve lives through education, skills training, and clinical care when needed. A program like Baby Steps is a great place for parents to learn how their child develops. Their Home Energy Assistance Program helps those who can!t afford to heat their homes. Through the Congregate Nutrition Program, seniors received a healthy warm meal through their local Senior Centers. Head Start Programs teach the importance of a child!s healthy development so they can grow and thrive! The AmeriCorps Foster Grandparent Program offers a way for individuals 55 and older to stay active by serving children and youth in communities while providing a unique service built on the natural bond between generations. Their AmeriCorps East Bay Retired and Senior Volunteer Program places individuals 55 and older volunteering in many programs and nonprofits in the East Bay area. Their Volunteer Income Tax Program (VITA) provides fee tax preparation for income eligible individuals. Education and Career Pathways helps with educational goals, job readiness skills and improved career options. Their food pantries offer twice monthly food distribution. Senior Services provides options and resources to help income eligible seniors remain in the community.
Operates from many sites across the East Bay.
Food Pantry The program provides nutritious supplemental food at no cost to the participant. We are also able to assist people with special dietary needs.Monthly food distribution is offered to assist food insecure households. Individuals/Families in need of food assistance may come to our pantry once a month. We are also able to assist people with special dietary needs.
Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate
(401) 848-6697, x202
Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center.
Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions.
Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative
East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency.
LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement.
Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204
Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs
Family health & dental services
Family development case management services
-Social service information and referral and basic human needs
Youth programs
Housing and Energy Services
Healthy Families America (HFA) is a national evidence-based maternal home visiting program that provides free, voluntary, and confidential services. This program pairs expectant mothers or families with newborns to a home visitor who provides home visiting services to the family and their child until the child!s fourth birthday
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a national, evidence-based family visiting program that provides free and voluntary support to families. The program partners with expectant mothers or families with young children up to age 4. In Newport and Middletown, we can work with children up to age 5. PAT is a strength-based model that focuses on the assets of each family.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program:
Provides evidence-based nutrition advice, tips and breastfeeding information and checks for healthy foods to support good nutrition during pregnancy, infancy and early childhood.
-Senior services
-Case management
-Senior employment
-Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP)
-Foster Grandparents
-Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Click here to show all service details. Or click on a service name to see its details specifically.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
HealthSource Navigator
Must be a RI resident
Intake Procedure
Walk in 847-7821 Nancy Llamas Susan Garvey Diana Wood Linda Burrows Angela Monteiro Chelsea Cordeiro
Nancy Llamas - Spanish
Service Area
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Newport
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
Career Closet 55 Turner Ave East Providence, RI 02915 401-228-6605
Career Closet serves, loss of home from a fire or water damage, income eligible men and women who are completing job training and education programs and seeking employment. Job seekers may obtain, at no cost, work appropriate clothing for their job interviews. After employment is secured, clients are able to add to their work wardrobe. Individuals are permitted to receive additional outfits during their first year as long as they remain employed. Provides work appropriate clothing at no cost to income eligible men and women who are completing job training and education programs seeking employment.
Mon-Fri By Appointment
Required Documents
Adult Male and Female
Intake Procedure
Call first for appointment 401-228-6605
Service Area
Newport County Middletown Portsmouth Tiverton Little Compton Jamestown Bristol Warren Barrington East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Telephone Numbers
Special Notes/Funding
VOCA provides specific services through the Victims of Crime Act to those identifying as past or current, reported or unreported, victims of crime.
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) provides advocacy and support services to all victims of crime. VOCA assesses victimsâ situations and helps identify next steps. The program links you with resources to provide you with on-going or short-term support to address any needs related to having survived a crime. VOCA can access the criminal justice system if appropriate and victimsâ compensation fund if eligible.
Mon-Fri 8:00AMâ4:30PM,Other times can be arranged on a case by case basis
Required Documents
I.D Preferred
Adult Male and Female, Children Birth to 18 years old
No Fees
Intake Procedure
Please contact Cindy Nemet, VOCA Advocate,401-437-1000 ext. 130
Portuguese,Spanish,Interpreter Service Available
Service Area
East Providence,Bristol,Warren,Barrington,Tiverton,Newport,Portsmouth, Middletown,Jamestown & Little Compton
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Bristol County
- Barrington
- Bristol
- Warren
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Bristol County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
General Dentistry Exams X-Rays Cleanings Fillings Simple Extractions Crowns Dentures Partials
Dental: Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM
Required Documents
Photo ID Insurance Card
Adult Male and Female Pediatric Adolescence
Accepts most Insurance Self Pay Services are offered on a sliding fee scale based on income and family size.
Intake Procedure
Call first for appointment Fill out Registration Packet
Spanish Portuguese
Service Area
East Providence Barrington Warren Bristol Little Compton Tiverton Portsmouth Middletown Newport Jamestown
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Bristol County
- Barrington
- Bristol
- Warren
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Bristol County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
RI Community Food Bank member agency
Monthly food distribution is offered to assist food insecure households. Individuals/Families in need of food assistance may come to our pantry once a month. When you arrive, our staff will help you select food that you/your family will enjoy. The amount of food you receive is based on your family size. It is helpful (but not required) if you bring with you any re-useable bags that you may have. We are also able to assist people with special dietary needs. To be eligible to receive commodities from emergency food pantries, all households must be identified as needy.
COVID-19 OPEN BY APPOINTMENT DURING REGULAR HOURS. CALL 401-847-7821 X212 TO SCHEDULE (updated 3/17/2020) Mon 11:00AMâ4:00PM, Tue 9:00AMâ2:00PM, Wed 12:00PMâ4:00PM, Thu 1:00PMâ6:00PM
Required Documents
First time: Driver's License, Residential Bill showing address and name, Social Security cards for each member of household. After initial meeting: just Driver's License of Head of Household
Residents of Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, and Tiverton.
No Fees
Intake Procedure
Drop in during pantry hours. Walk-ins only. Bring your ID and complete an application on site during regular hours of operation.
Service Area
Newport County
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Telephone Numbers
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Toys - Adopt a Family:2018
Call for pick up Info, Must register first, (401-848-6697)
Must be nominated by a family advocate
Intake Procedure
Register mid October. Open until capacity is met.
Service Area
Newport County
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
Contacts: Donna Ramos (Program Director) 401-662-9328(p) 401-619-7091(f) dramos@ebcap.org Amy Griffin (Supervisor) 401-437-1000ext.128(p) 401-258-0986(c) 401-324-6664(f) agriffin@ebcap.org
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a national, evidence-based family visiting program that provides free and voluntary support to families. The program partners with expectant mothers or families with young children up to age 4.
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM-4:30PM Home visits are provided at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the family and visitor.
Required Documents
Expectant Mothers Children up to 4 years old
Intake Procedure
Refer to Web Site, Application is online Call Amy Griffin 401-437-1000 ext. 128 with questions
Interpreter Services Available
Service Area
East Providence Jamestown Little Compton Middletown Newport Portsmouth Tiverton
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
Contacts: Donna Ramos (Program Director) 401-662-9328(p) 401-619-7091(f) dramos@ebcap.org Amy Griffin (Supervisor) 401-437-1000ext.128(p) 401-258-0986(c) 401-324-6664(f) agriffin@ebcap.org
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a national, evidence-based family visiting program that provides free and voluntary support to families. The program partners with expectant mothers or families with young children up to age 4.
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM-4:30PM Home visits are provided at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the family and visitor.
Required Documents
Expectant Mothers Children up to 4 years old
Intake Procedure
Refer to Web Site, Application is online Call Amy Griffin 401-437-1000 ext. 128 with questions
Interpreter Services Available
Service Area
East Providence Jamestown Little Compton Middletown Newport Portsmouth Tiverton
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
**Bristol WIC 253-7577, 150 Franklin St., 02809 (Satellite location) Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a health program that offers nutrition advice, links to community services, breastfeeding support and checks for healthy foods to RI families who qualify. Fathers, grandparents or foster parents with young children may also apply for WIC INCOME BEFORE DEDUCTIONS OR GROSS: Family size Annual Monthly 1 $20,147 $1,679 2 $27,214 $2,268 3 $34,281 $2,857 4 $41,348 $3,446 5 $48,415 $4,035
Mon 8:00AMâ7:00PM Tues 10:30 AMâ7:00PM Wed 8:00AMâ5:00PM Fri 8:00 AMâ4:30PM
Required Documents
Call to Verify Documents needed Photo ID Social Security Card Proof of Pregnancy Proof of Income Medical Card
Must be pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum women or guardian of a child under the age of five; and meet income guidelines.
Intake Procedure
Call 848-6697 x7 to make an appointment.
Spanish Interpreter Services Available
Service Area
Middletown Newport Little Compton Jamestown Tiverton Bristol
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Bristol County
- Bristol
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- L Compton
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Tiverton
- Bristol County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
General Information
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00AM-4:30PM. Food Pantry: Mon 11:00 AM-4:00PM, Tue 9:00AM-2:00PM, Wed 12:00PM-4:00PM, Thu 1:00PM-6:00PM. Dental: Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM.
WIC: Mon 8:00AM!7:00PM, Tues 10:30 AM!7:00PM, Wed 8:00AM!5:00PM, Fri 8:00 AM!4:30PM
Intake Process:
Call First for Screening
Program Fees:
Varies by Program
Interpreter Services Available
Newport county
Handicap Accessible?
Is Shelter?
Related Resource
Date of Official Change:
June 18, 2024
Legal Status:
Click here to show all service details. Or click on a service name to see its details specifically.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
HealthSource Navigator
Must be a RI resident
Intake Procedure
Walk in 847-7821 Nancy Llamas Susan Garvey Diana Wood Linda Burrows Angela Monteiro Chelsea Cordeiro
Nancy Llamas - Spanish
Service Area
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Newport
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
Career Closet 55 Turner Ave East Providence, RI 02915 401-228-6605
Career Closet serves, loss of home from a fire or water damage, income eligible men and women who are completing job training and education programs and seeking employment. Job seekers may obtain, at no cost, work appropriate clothing for their job interviews. After employment is secured, clients are able to add to their work wardrobe. Individuals are permitted to receive additional outfits during their first year as long as they remain employed. Provides work appropriate clothing at no cost to income eligible men and women who are completing job training and education programs seeking employment.
Mon-Fri By Appointment
Required Documents
Adult Male and Female
Intake Procedure
Call first for appointment 401-228-6605
Service Area
Newport County Middletown Portsmouth Tiverton Little Compton Jamestown Bristol Warren Barrington East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Telephone Numbers
Special Notes/Funding
VOCA provides specific services through the Victims of Crime Act to those identifying as past or current, reported or unreported, victims of crime.
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) provides advocacy and support services to all victims of crime. VOCA assesses victimsâ situations and helps identify next steps. The program links you with resources to provide you with on-going or short-term support to address any needs related to having survived a crime. VOCA can access the criminal justice system if appropriate and victimsâ compensation fund if eligible.
Mon-Fri 8:00AMâ4:30PM,Other times can be arranged on a case by case basis
Required Documents
I.D Preferred
Adult Male and Female, Children Birth to 18 years old
No Fees
Intake Procedure
Please contact Cindy Nemet, VOCA Advocate,401-437-1000 ext. 130
Portuguese,Spanish,Interpreter Service Available
Service Area
East Providence,Bristol,Warren,Barrington,Tiverton,Newport,Portsmouth, Middletown,Jamestown & Little Compton
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Bristol County
- Barrington
- Bristol
- Warren
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Bristol County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
General Dentistry Exams X-Rays Cleanings Fillings Simple Extractions Crowns Dentures Partials
Dental: Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM
Required Documents
Photo ID Insurance Card
Adult Male and Female Pediatric Adolescence
Accepts most Insurance Self Pay Services are offered on a sliding fee scale based on income and family size.
Intake Procedure
Call first for appointment Fill out Registration Packet
Spanish Portuguese
Service Area
East Providence Barrington Warren Bristol Little Compton Tiverton Portsmouth Middletown Newport Jamestown
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Bristol County
- Barrington
- Bristol
- Warren
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Bristol County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
RI Community Food Bank member agency
Monthly food distribution is offered to assist food insecure households. Individuals/Families in need of food assistance may come to our pantry once a month. When you arrive, our staff will help you select food that you/your family will enjoy. The amount of food you receive is based on your family size. It is helpful (but not required) if you bring with you any re-useable bags that you may have. We are also able to assist people with special dietary needs. To be eligible to receive commodities from emergency food pantries, all households must be identified as needy.
COVID-19 OPEN BY APPOINTMENT DURING REGULAR HOURS. CALL 401-847-7821 X212 TO SCHEDULE (updated 3/17/2020) Mon 11:00AMâ4:00PM, Tue 9:00AMâ2:00PM, Wed 12:00PMâ4:00PM, Thu 1:00PMâ6:00PM
Required Documents
First time: Driver's License, Residential Bill showing address and name, Social Security cards for each member of household. After initial meeting: just Driver's License of Head of Household
Residents of Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, and Tiverton.
No Fees
Intake Procedure
Drop in during pantry hours. Walk-ins only. Bring your ID and complete an application on site during regular hours of operation.
Service Area
Newport County
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Telephone Numbers
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Toys - Adopt a Family:2018
Call for pick up Info, Must register first, (401-848-6697)
Must be nominated by a family advocate
Intake Procedure
Register mid October. Open until capacity is met.
Service Area
Newport County
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
Contacts: Donna Ramos (Program Director) 401-662-9328(p) 401-619-7091(f) dramos@ebcap.org Amy Griffin (Supervisor) 401-437-1000ext.128(p) 401-258-0986(c) 401-324-6664(f) agriffin@ebcap.org
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a national, evidence-based family visiting program that provides free and voluntary support to families. The program partners with expectant mothers or families with young children up to age 4.
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM-4:30PM Home visits are provided at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the family and visitor.
Required Documents
Expectant Mothers Children up to 4 years old
Intake Procedure
Refer to Web Site, Application is online Call Amy Griffin 401-437-1000 ext. 128 with questions
Interpreter Services Available
Service Area
East Providence Jamestown Little Compton Middletown Newport Portsmouth Tiverton
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Special Notes/Funding
Contacts: Donna Ramos (Program Director) 401-662-9328(p) 401-619-7091(f) dramos@ebcap.org Amy Griffin (Supervisor) 401-437-1000ext.128(p) 401-258-0986(c) 401-324-6664(f) agriffin@ebcap.org
Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a national, evidence-based family visiting program that provides free and voluntary support to families. The program partners with expectant mothers or families with young children up to age 4.
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM-4:30PM Home visits are provided at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the family and visitor.
Required Documents
Expectant Mothers Children up to 4 years old
Intake Procedure
Refer to Web Site, Application is online Call Amy Griffin 401-437-1000 ext. 128 with questions
Interpreter Services Available
Service Area
East Providence Jamestown Little Compton Middletown Newport Portsmouth Tiverton
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Providence County
- East Providence
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
*Does not provide holiday baskets or toys* Operates from many sites across the East Bay. **HEALTH ADVOCACY SERVICES Margo Pires, Social Services Coordinator & Health Advocate (401) 848-6697, x202 Available for families residing in the Sullivan School neighborhood in Newport in collaboration with the Sullivan School Family Center. Family Services Coordinators are in all elementary schools in the City of Newport offering social services case management, literacy activities and other activities to promote positive family/school interactions. Community and Supportive Services Program/Hope VI Initiative East Bay Community Action Program provides case management services to residents of the Newport Housing Authority that reside in the new Newport Heights housing development. This program focuses on economic self-sufficiency. LEAD EDUCATION AND OUTREACH services are provided to tenants and landlords in need of information regarding lead safety and lead abatement, RIHMFC loans for lead abatement. Contact: Luana Cherenzia (401) 847-7821, x204 Eligibility: All Newport County residents for Basic Human Needs Family health & dental services Family development case management services -Social service information and referral and basic human needs Youth programs Housing and Energy Services Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Supplemental Feeding and Nutrition Program Senior services -Case management Senior employment -Retired Senior volunteer Program (RSVP) -Foster Grandparents -Ocean State Senior Dining Program (meals in a social setting).
Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM Food Closet: M & W 9:00 -2:00PM, Tu 9:00AM - 2:00PM & 4:00PM - 6:30PM
Varies by program but primarily available to low income families.
No fee for service except for health, dental, and child care which uses a sliding scale fee and third party coverage
Service Area
Newport County, Middletown, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Jamestown, Bristol, Warren, Barrington, East Providence
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Portsmouth
- Tiverton
- Newport County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
**Bristol WIC 253-7577, 150 Franklin St., 02809 (Satellite location) Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a health program that offers nutrition advice, links to community services, breastfeeding support and checks for healthy foods to RI families who qualify. Fathers, grandparents or foster parents with young children may also apply for WIC INCOME BEFORE DEDUCTIONS OR GROSS: Family size Annual Monthly 1 $20,147 $1,679 2 $27,214 $2,268 3 $34,281 $2,857 4 $41,348 $3,446 5 $48,415 $4,035
Mon 8:00AMâ7:00PM Tues 10:30 AMâ7:00PM Wed 8:00AMâ5:00PM Fri 8:00 AMâ4:30PM
Required Documents
Call to Verify Documents needed Photo ID Social Security Card Proof of Pregnancy Proof of Income Medical Card
Must be pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum women or guardian of a child under the age of five; and meet income guidelines.
Intake Procedure
Call 848-6697 x7 to make an appointment.
Spanish Interpreter Services Available
Service Area
Middletown Newport Little Compton Jamestown Tiverton Bristol
Geography Served
- Rhode Island
- Bristol County
- Bristol
- Newport County
- Jamestown
- L Compton
- Little Compton
- Middletown
- Newport
- Tiverton
- Bristol County
If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.
Address Listings
Physical (Primary)
19 Broadway
Newport, RI 02840
19 Broadway
Newport, RI 02840
Beth Nitkin
(401) 253-7577
Kristen Roache
Phone Numbers
Main Phone
(401) 847-7821
(401) 845-0564
(401) 848-6681
Food Pantry
(401) 847-7821 x100
Health Center
(401) 848-2160
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