Youth Pride Inc.


743 Westminister Street
Providence, RI 02903

(401) 421-5626


YPI is committed to building a strong and vocal community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQQ) youth and their allies to ensure that they are heard and accepted as members and leaders in our community. Youth, ages 13-23, are encouraged to hang out in YPIs Drop-In Center, participate in activities and programming, or use other services such as tutoring or support services.

YPI!€™s drop-in center is a hang out space for LGBTQQ young people and their allies. Play some games, eat a healthy meal, get support and make new friends in a welcoming environment! There!€™s something different happening every day so come take a dance class, participate in a workshop, do yoga or talk about changing the world. Or just hang out! Check out our calendar of events to see upcoming programs and activities.

Services include: training and education on HIV prevention for youth service organizations, schools, and community groups.

General Information


Mon, Fri:9:00AM-5:00PM
Tue-Thu 12:00PM-8:00PM

Intake Process:

Call First

Program Fees:

No Fee




Male and Female ages 13-23

Handicap Accessible?



Handicap Accessible

Is Shelter?


Related Resources


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

September 26, 2018

Legal Status:


Related Resources

Geographies Served

  • Serves All Areas


Elana Rosenberg

Primary Contact

Executive Director

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