Addiction Recovery Institute


31 North Union St.
Pawtucket, RI 02860

(401) 725-2520


ARI is a privately run outpatient substance abuse clinic offering a variety of services including:

- Methadone Maintenance
- Medication assisted treatment (MAT)
- Detoxification - This may be an appropriate option for individuals who have a shorter history of opioid dependence and little to no prior treatment. The detox program is 180 days maximum. It is more rapid than the open-ended maintenance program.
- General outpatient substance abuse counseling - This is offered to any individual with substance abuse or dependence issues, not just opioid dependent individuals. It consists of individual counseling, that will provide drug and alcohol education as well as relapse prevention education.
- Intensive outpatient program - Coming Soon!

General Information


Mon-Fri 5:45AM-6:15AM
Sat & Sun 7:00AM-9:30AM
Holidays 7:00AM-8:00AM

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Date of Official Change:

August 16, 2010

Legal Status:


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Phone Numbers

Main Phone

(401) 725-2520


(401) 737-4788

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