Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Basic Income Maintenance Programs

Programs that provide cash income on a regular basis, and in some cases, social services to provide for the basic material needs of income-eligible individuals and families.

Household Related Public Assistance Programs

Programs that provide financial assistance to enable eligible individuals and families to purchase essential services that will allow them to remain safely and independently in their homes or to care for their children while they are working or participating in job training programs.

Medical Public Assistance Programs

Programs that provide financial assistance to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential medical services.

Nutrition Related Public Assistance Programs

Programs that provide assistance in the form of coupons or vouchers that can be exchanged for food supplements to ensure that the nutritional needs of low-income and indigent individuals and families are met.

Public Assistance Overpayment Recovery Programs

Programs that are responsible for identifying situations in which public assistance benefits recipients have received more than the amount to which they are entitled, investigating the cause (generally client error, administrative error or fraud) and pursuing recovery of the overpayment amount. Clients are entitled to a fair hearing and have a variety of repayment options. Cases involving fraud are referred for further action. Recipients may also be required to repay public assistance benefits in situations where they experience a financial windfall, e.g., lottery winnings, an inheritance or the proceeds from a lawsuit.
