Masonic Grand Lodge of Rhode Island


(401) 435-4650


Freemasonry is the world!€™s oldest and largest fraternal organization. It is founded upon timeless principles of tolerance, care, kindness, honesty and trust. As Freemasons we live by an ethical and moral code that creates an atmosphere where friendship and understanding can grow among men of every religion, race and culture.

General Information


Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:00PM

Intake Process:

Membership in Freemasonry in Rhode Island is open to men 18 years old and older who are of good character and morals.

Men of all ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds are welcome.

Call or visit online to submit a Petition Inquiry

Program Fees:

No Fees


Men of all ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds are welcome.

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Legal Status:

Private, Non-Profit

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

222 Taunton Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914


222 Taunton Avenue
East Providence, RI 02914


Robert B. Ellston

Primary Contact

Grand Master

Phone Numbers

Main Phone

(401) 435-4650

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