Hattie Ide Chaffee Home


200 Wampanoag Trail
Riverside, RI 02915

(401) 434-1520



The Hattie Ide Chaffee Home is a unique, nonprofit, skilled health care facility located in East Providence, Rhode Island. It was founded in 1947 by Dr. Herman Pitts, a dedicated cancer specialist, and Mrs. James Carmack, the state regional commander of the Woman!€™s Field Army, a division of the American Cancer Society. Their mutual goal was to provide skilled healthcare within a home-like environment for patients with cancer. Over the years, the home has expanded its mission to include all types of patients who need skilled care.

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Date of Official Change:

September 24, 2018

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Year Incorporated:


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Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

200 Wampanoag Trail
Riverside, RI 02915


200 Wampanoag Trail
Riverside, RI 02915


Deborah M. Griffin

Primary Contact


(401) 434-1520


Phone Numbers

Main Phone

(401) 434-1520

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